Target group
Adults acting as informal caregivers, that is those who provide regular, lasting, physical and / or emotional support and assistance for the elderly in everyday activities.
Indirectly, the addressees are the elderly themselves: the use of HomeCare resources by caregivers will enable elderly people to obtain more professional and tailored care in their place of residence (which is of great importance for this group of people). It will also provide them with a better quality of life thanks to the greater knowledge and better skills of the caregivers.
The professionalization of the services among caregivers constitutes significant support for the institutional system of care for the elderly in their place of residence, which is characterized by a more individualized manner. It is particularly important and necessary in the context of the above-mentioned statistical data and demographic forecasts.
- The elderly home care learning path for informal caregivers, which assumes a holistic approach to the problem of providing care for a dependent elderly person at home, that is providing basic knowledge and skills in performing care functions and a proactive approach to ageing of the person under care.
- An online training for informal caregivers of the elderly at home, which is to provide adults with the necessary competences (knowledge and skills) to act as caregivers for dependent elderly people.